Except for a few more details the bedroom looks pretty darn good. I wish I had a window with a view, though! One of the details I'm waiting on is a shade I ordered from Penny's to cover the window with the non-view so that my pretty window treatment doesn't look so silly around it.
I also have to get sewing that pretty little cover for my old lane chest...that could take a while as my office/sewing room is in an upheaval. I covered it with a pretty sheet for now just because it stuck out like a sore thumb.
The most difficult task of all...I was searching for a mirror...either oval or round to go over my newly painted dresser...very hard to find what I had pictured in my head (...head pictures, as I call them are always either something that doesn't exist or totally out of my budget!). Then I remembered my gramma's old dresser with the attached mirror that used to sit in my parents old laundry room...was it still there? Oh, please let it still be there... OMG yes...it was and it was more beautiful than I remembered it. Of course it needs quite a bit of TLC and some nice creamy white paint and sadly the dresser itself was a total loss, but the mirror...so much better than my head picture.... I know you sent her to me...thanks Gramma!!!
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