Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finding My Joy

I am just the kind of person that can't be satisfied to sticking to one hobby. It has become a source of discontent with me. I am a lover of so many things, but I can't seem to stay in love long enough for it to become a passion.

I've tried so many different ways of finding my passion..."My Creative Connection" if you will. Bloggyland was heaven when I first discovered it. But I soon became disheartened because I felt everyone else's blogs were so much better...more beautiful in their appearance. All you lovely bloggers out there seem to have it so much more together than me.

I used to love to redecorate and even remodel my home. Over time, my need for measuring up to the standards I had set, for what the end result should be, overwhelmed our shrinking budget. The economy is killer and my arthritis has robbed me of the ability to do all the DYI I used to do. Hiring contractors on our budget is nearly impossibly. Meanwhile, there are multiple exterior maintenance projects that have been deferred over the last few years.

I used to love sewing and crafty things like cardmaking and scrapbooking. I loved painting wood pieces and old furniture and I love painting just a plain empty room. The trasformation with color was just so rewarding. I haven't painted anything in over a year.

I loved to garden. I used to say that working outside in my garden made me feel at peace with God and nature. Last spring I could hardly plant my potted plants without being exhausted. The garden beds were torture...the arthritis. I decided I couldn't garden anymore. I don't know what I'll do this year. The beds will need tending to and I can't do it.

I used to be so much happier when I was busy with my never-ending projects...funny I thought I was crazy back then. Now I feel like I can't do much of anything...and I'm so very unhappy.

How do I find that zest for life that has now eluded me? I was searching for something I could be passionate I would be happy to just find joy in doing something and the strength to see it to completion.

It's funny how life plays dirty little tricks on you. I guess what you think you want is right in front of you all the while. Pay attention to the joy when it's there.

I guess I should be paying more attention to any joyful moments that come my way. I believe they might be the key to my happiness...if a passion blooms from any of that I will consider myself doubly blessed!