Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The New "Master Suite"

I love the title of this blog!
Just because it is really so ridiculous!
There is no room in my house that could possibly be truly called a "master suite". They are all just too small...but if I say that it's the "master" then that makes it the "master"'s my house and my room...right? The downstairs bedroom does have a bath attached ..a lovely bath, I might add...a little small just like all the rooms in my tiny little home...oh, I've said that haven't I... lol!
I was just inspired by reading The Nester's latest blog..."10 Ways to Avoid Having the Home You'll Love" . Such wise words. The fear of not making things perfect or making a mistake has always prohibited me from tackling the risky things. I mentioned in my last episode of "As the furniture Twirls" that I was going to paint the '90s knotty pine bedroom furniture. With encouragement from my girls, I was brave and ready to commit to doing it...a day later... the fear sets in and all the justifications for not doing it have surfaced ...some are true obstacles where to perform this task...inside the room itself seems like the only space and living with that big of a mess for as long as it takes scares the beegeebees out of me. I hate living in disarray. Probably why I've only painted furniture a few times in my life...and it probably didn't come out as well as it could've because I wanted to be done so I could be rid of the mess. Which leads me to the mess at hand...
If I don't get the boxes of craft and sewing stuff out of the family room I'm going to one else seems to even notice them...but then again, I live with three men...hah ... of course no one else notices! And I miss my stuff...and my granddaughters want SOCK MONKEYS!!! I've got to lose the perfectionist attitude and just get going on it...( in between life's happenings that is...which would be a completely different blog!) Well...the saga of the New Office and New Master Suite (I still love calling it that!) continues... Stay tuned for the next Episode in "As the Furniture Twirls"

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