Saturday, February 21, 2009

My New Office

Figuring out where to put my new little office space has been quite a challenge. But then every space in this little tiny home of ours has been a challenge. The rooms are painfully small. We bought the little fixer because the property backs up to my childhood home, where my Mom actually still lives. And fixing is what we have been doing since we got here. Of course we will never be done. And unless we put on a massive is something we will never have enough of. Anyway, the need for a new office space for me came about when I got a laptop for my birthday last year. I thought that wouldn't require much space and that would leave the desktop for Tom. Wrong, wrong wrong!!! My new laptop has led to a new printer... which has now turned my new laptop into my new desktop!!! The little writing desk in the corner of our tiny little bedroom very quickly became totally inadequate. I have waffled on whether to just move the "master bedroom" to the downstairs bedroom, which was the craft/sewing room, and turn the upstairs bedroom into the office/craft/sewing room or vice versa. I have also come up with a multitude of other moves...what we here at the Vaughan's call "twirling furniture". (A favorite pastime and a Vaughan tradition for many years, dating back to the old townhouse days.) At the moment the bed is in the downstairs bedroom for a test run while I paint the upstairs bedroom. Something I've been meaning to do for almost a year now, anyway. Which room will be the bedroom?...Which room will be the office? I have almost everything I need to make my new little space when the paint dries...where will Jessica's office be??!!?? Stay tuned for the next epesode of "As the Furniture Twirls".

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