Thursday, June 7, 2012

Who's Afraid of a Little Blog?

So I was toying with this idea for awhile.
I really wanted to do it...
but I thought it might be too hard...
and take up way to much time.
I kinda really wanted to, though.

And then I saw this challenge from
Donna@ to do That One Scary Thing!

I decided to jump back into blogging again...Both feet!

Yea...I decided I wanted to get my self a new fancy dancy blog with my own domain and wordpress and all that jazz.

Yea...I'm gonna have me a beautiful blog so I will be motivated to write regularly and show off my very talented self...(ha ha)!

Yea...I'm gonna share my thoughts with all the other very lovely and so very talented bloggy ladies out there, that I admire so much!

And I won't be scared.
Well...I lied just a little.
I was kinda scared.
No, I was more scared than that.
I was petrified!!

But I did it any way.
All by myself.
And it was pretty darn scary.
And it's done now.
Well...sort of.
I was right about one got me writing and sharing again.
Because now I want to make my brand new blog pretty and dazzling and amazing...
and I haven't got a clue how to make that happen!
Well unless I save a real big chunk of change for a web designer...(ahahaha!)

NOT in the budget at this time...(sigh).

So I am going to post on this blog for a while and keep fiddling around with my new Blog @
If anyone would like to visit, you're always welcome.
But it's a big fat mess...oh well. 
Someday it will be pretty and dazzling and amazing!

So... here I sit on my comfy little couch.
Posting at trusty old Blogger.
But, I'll look on the bright side...
now I have two blogs! 
That ought to motivate me!!

So today I'll just share a few views from the couch.

(hi, pretty little rabbit lamp I love)

I love my bay window...with a Lola in it...

(her name was Lola...she was a show girl)

She loves the views from the couch, too.


And what better place to share than in wonderful, magical bloggyland!
Ah...such a beautiful world. 
How could I have stayed away so long? 

I have a plan....
to redecorate my little cottage on the hill...

on a VERY FRUGAL budget.
(as I don't really have a budget to work with...darn!)

I'll also be sharing some of my favorite finds along the way...
design ideas, 
(I'd love to put a pretty covered porch on my little cottage!)

DIY projects and crafts, 

 (will this EVER get finished...hmmm)

a little gardening, 

(my experiment in container gardening)

even some yummy recipes, too!

(yum...and that basil is from my container garden...props to me!)

This new little adventure is going to be a joy and an inspirational journey for me!
Thanks for the challenge!
I feel motivated!
And I'll be able to share it with you all here...
and @  too!

See you all in bloggyland!



  1. Oh my... good for you! Did you set up that blog yourself?!? Unreal. I sooo need to do that as well. I'm terrified of Wordpress! Maybe that should be my next scary thing... :)

    May blogging give you exactly the outlet you require to move where you wish to go! Go you!!


    1. Thanks again for the push! Yes,I did set it up myself. And it looks it...oh well, it will grow with me!
