Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lunch with the Verizon girls this past weekend. Oh, it's always so nice to get together with my Verizon ladies. Thank you girls for a great day! We never have enough time. Lunch could last until after dinner and we would still find more to chat about, and lunch was pretty darn good, too. We ate at a little Greek/Italian place called The Blue Fig. The food was very good and so was the service. Our wonderful waitress took this photo for me! The girls each want a copy. Can't wait until our next get together. We're shooting for the first week in December for a Holiday Lunch Party!! What Christmas surprises should I get for my dear friends? I'm on the hunt for the perfect Holiday gifts!

On another note...HALLOWEEN is coming in just a few days and my Jon and Li'l Jon were very busy with their PUMPKIN CARVING! What is that I see outside the window when the lights were out...looks like...A GHOST!!???!!! We can't explain it, really, but that's the kind of thing that happens on Halloween I guess...CrEEEEpy!!
The grand kids will be here in their costumes on Saturday ...I will definitely get some shots of them. That should make for a great post!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My last post failed to mention another new family member...Rocky, our new Green Cheeked Conure. He's very cool. He loves his new home with us. He has taken up residence in my new office...which doesn't fair well for the decor, but he's happy with his ipod stereo system and bright light. He loooooves his music! If I don't sing and dance with him a little each day he gets quite upset!

Well, onto other business... I have so many ideas for projects for this fall and winter, but it always seems like... the best laid plans, you know.

So,I thought I'd get myself a little "TO DO" list going. I'm hoping if I get it written that maybe more of it will get done.

#1. Get my sewing alterations done.

#2. Give the downstairs Family Room a makeover.

#3. Spruce up the Laundry Room.

#4. Get rid of alot of unnecessary junk in my whole house!!

#5. Finish my quilt (yeah sure).

This is just a start. There's so much more but, I think I'll keep it short for now considering the last two things may never get done.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Back in Bloggyland Again!!!

Hello Bloggyland! I'm back! With a brand new granddaughter! This is Baby Allison Grace Stuart... isn't she spectacular! She was born on September 1st.

I had, for awhile, lost my zest for writing my blog and I've been out of touch with all the beautiful blogs out there. I think there were many things that caused me to drop out for awhile...a very busy summer among them... but I'd like to think I'll get back on track and start writing regularly again.

With Halloween approaching and all the pretty fall colors outside, I'm feeling a little inspired. I'm sure all the wonderful bloggy ladies have such wonderful posts ...I'll visit my favorites and hopefully be even more inspired to reconnect. I just got a new camera, too, so maybe I'll get better at this photography thing!?!?

It's supposed to be a very long and cold winter...plenty of time to spend on some crafty projects, taking photos, and blogging. Hope to see all my favs. Happy Blogging!